Tips for Moving From an Expensive City to a Smaller Town

As the cost of living continues to rise at a frightening pace, many people are looking to leave expensive city life behind and move to smaller towns where their money will go a little further. Regardless of where you live, you shouldn’t have to move too far away to enjoy a significant reduction in your cost of living. 

Are you ready to pack up your life and move somewhere new? Here are some tips to help you buy a home, plan your move, find work, and get settled in a smaller town.

Work with a Real Estate Agent for a Smooth Move

There tends to be less competition for homes in smaller cities, but it’s still a good idea to work with a real estate agent when searching for your new place. A buyer’s agent will help you find the perfect new home and negotiate the lowest possible price and best terms for your purchase. Be sure to also work with an experienced real estate professional when selling your current home. 

Starting a Business in a New City

Moving to a less expensive city might make it easier to pursue your dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. If you want to start a business in your new town, create a business plan detailing the costs involved in getting up and running so you know what to expect. Remember to consider fixed costs, ongoing expenses, and one-time costs. Your business plan should also include a description of your company, how you plan to sell your services, your financial projections, and how your business will be structured. 

Registering as an LLC shields your personal assets, comes with tax benefits, and has more flexibility. Learn about the five steps required for LLC Georgia formation. 

Finding Work in a Small Town

If you’d rather find employment in your new location, start looking for work before you move. Small towns will have fewer job openings. At the same time, there will be fewer people competing for jobs and your experience working for big-city brands may help set you apart from other job applicants. Research the job market in your target city and find out what kind of work is available and if it will pay a similar salary to your current position. Some small towns rely on single large employers, like factories or healthcare providers, which can leave workers vulnerable to changes in the economy. Remember, you can always pursue a remote position if you can’t find the right job locally.

Adjusting to Cost of Living Changes

Moving somewhere with a lower cost of living is great because you don’t have to make major spending cuts or juggle budging issues as you get settled. However, it’s important to make sure this move will actually save you money! Even if housing is cheaper, other things might be more expensive. Know what you should expect to spend on things like food and entertainment, especially if you’re going to be earning less in your new location.

According to BestPlaces, the cost of living in Georgia is generally lower than the US average. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment costs an average of $1,120 a month and the median home price is $338,000. 

If you’re tired of expensive big city life, consider packing up and moving somewhere where you can live more comfortably. Moving for a lower cost of living is a great way to improve your quality of life if you have a lot of debt or you’re struggling to build your savings. Start looking at your options today!

Photo via Pexels